그래픽 디자인 Graphic Design

Kihyeon or 김현정 or Hyeonjeong Kim curretly lives and works in the Hague, the Netherlands. features selected projects and works for various purposes and disciplines. mailto:

Client: Zefir7 Poster designs for social medias and mailing purpose.
New Signatures is an annual event by Zefir7 at Stroom Den Haag, virtually on YouTube.

Dance Map visualises 594 dance cover videos of K-Pop songs from Youtube. Highly participatory culture has shifted the agents of the industry to the consumers.
Number of dancing bodies accumulates, leaveing traces and disturbing or liberating the borders on the world map.
  A part of the graduation project The Global K from Graphic Design BA, Royal Academy of Arts, the Hague.

Foreign State is a typing system that follows the structure of hangul, the Korean alphabets.
With Koreanised alphabets and Englishfied Korean, the project expresses cultural (con)fusion experienced as a foreigner.
The project includes a webpage and arrival cards.

Video length: 50''
An animated poster for a hypothetical future

Concept development and layout sketches for the book Rest In Progress.
Under the supervision by Piyakorn Chaiverapundech at Studio 150, Bangkok.

The vector representations of words visualise bias in language by grouping similar words into clusters. Through a process of machine learning, the model evaluates semantic and syntactic relations. (word2vec tensorflow model)
The assignment was commissioned by the Ministry of Finance to the 3rd year graphic design students of KABK.
In collaboration with Tilius Sodeika

Fragility of Internet Things; Do they really exist?
있지도, 없지도 않은 연약한 온라인상의 존재들.
Hand-knitted objects with Google Chrome extension.
Lotagions: 1. (Temporarily) un/available Soju Bottle.   2. (Temporarily) un/available tags.   3. (Temporarily) un/available hiking mum.
Shadow-like shapes come from photos exchanged through an online messaging app.
날짜가 만기되어 더 이상 볼 수 없는 카카오톡 사진 파일에서 영감을 받아 시작하였으며 뜨개물의 형태도 사진과 같다.

Leaflet and postcard designs for the gallery BACKROOM , participating in Harbour Art Fair 2018 in Hong Kong.
Leaflet size: 14x20(cm) Postcard size: 10x15(cm)
Representing artists: Jiana Kim , Sangjun Roh and Min Kim .

How we differenciate me from you.
우리는 왜 ‘나’와 ‘너’를 구분지으려 할까.
A slanted table with ‘you’ part being lowered and narrowered.
Movable (food) plates reveal uncertainties of 'me' and colourfulness of 'you' and enables to swap positions to see in others perspectives. '나'보다 '너' 쪽이 더 낮고 좁은 식탁.
자신감 넘치는 자기 사진의 쪽과 무의식적으로 멸시하게되는 타인의 쪽을 색상으로 대비시켰지만 접시들을 치우면 반대로 자신에 대한 의심들과 타인의 다채로움을 발견할 수 있다.
접시들의 위치를 옮기는 행동을 통해 입장을 바꿔 생각할 수 있도록 한다.

How we differenciate ourselves from others.
'나'와 '너'는 곧 '우리'와 '그들'이 된다.

Forever-rotating and unstable signages represent ambiguity in definitions between pronouns. 12,741KM is the diameter of the earth.
불안정한 푯말들이 나와 타인, 우리와 그들에대한 경계의 불분명함을 나타낸다. 12,741km는 지구의 지름이다.

Process and research book of series of works within the topic of Otherization.
타자화(otherization)를 주제로한 시리즈 작업들을 묶은 책.
Includes three different booklets, each of them unbound to each other.

The more you know the more you see.
Book as a device represents one of the most significant aspects of culture with the use of written and visual language, for being a traditional tool for preserving and spreading thoughts and knowledge. The redesign of the book Helsingin Neljä Vuosisataa visualises how the historical and cultural values that the book contains are digested in one's self and how they improve us to gain more tolerant and integrative attitudes towards a new culture.
  Book is also a personal documentation of learning a new culture, the photos become more free in forms as the history book proceeds to the present time. The language becomes more comprehensible—from only diacritical marks on the page to the complete sentences and paragraphs. Started with the purely visual inspiration about the dots on the letter ä , the book unfolds over time distinctively in connection with the verbal and semantic meanings.

Future ritual to the greatness of technology
점점 발전하는 현대의 기술. 미래엔 신 대신 그것들을 숭배하고 있지 않을까?
12 video compliation of people eating with 3D printed heads + a video documentation of making these 3D heads in the middle.
Reference to the painting The Last Supper by Leonardo de Vinci.
3D 프린트된 얼굴을 가지고 찍는 먹방 의식. 기독교의 성찬식을 모티브로 영상을 감독/배치하였다.

Real time virtual weather report in the experience-obsessed internet of nowadays.
정보보단 경험이 더 중요시되는 현 인터넷 사회의 트렌드를 반영한 실시간 날씨 정보 서비스.
The virtual face flag translates real time wind and light data of the place.
weatherNow is a contemporary weather report on the internet, where experience is more valued than factual informations.
Click for the live report. Supported by Safari, Firefox, IE and Opera (no Chrome)

Gamespace – the wall built around the Trump tower.
트럼프가 장벽을 짓는다길래 나도 한번... 뉴욕의 트럼프 타워를 가상의 장벽으로 가두었다.
Click for the gameplay. Supported by Safari, Firefox, IE and Opera (no Chrome)

Images are felt and interpreted differently depending on the subject next to it.
3 continuing books: ending image is the start of the next book.
Size: 8x12(cm)

3 Riso Printed Booklets shows how an element can take different forms.
Outcome of a study on propaganda and manipulation.

The feeling of being dragged back to where you came from.
Riso-printed 16pages zine, interview with Heesub Han.

2-colored Screenprinted poster.
Text excerpt from "Electro Library" by El Lissitzky

How does text affect meanings of its contents?
Analogue collages made out of newspapers using scanner.

Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Democracy they call.

The newspaper censoring certain words and pictures.
Censered contents are then made into the second Editorial which transforms into a series of outspeaking posters.
신문에서 검열된 내용들은 또 다른 책으로 묶여 선전 포스터로 만들어진다.

Islands for the in–betweeners.
그 어느 나라 사람도 아닌 사람들을 위한 섬
Third culture kid (TCK) refers to children raised in a culture other than their parents' for a significant part of their early development years.
Different cultural identities (languages) form a new territory together.
The islands then float freely on the webpage.
제 3문화 아이들은 성장기의 상당 부분을 부모들의 문화 밖에서 보내는 이들을 칭한다.
그 어느 지역도 온전히 자신의 자리가 아닌 이들을 위해 만들어졌으며,책장을 넘김으로써 서로 다른 문화(언어)가 하나의 새로운 지역(섬)을 형성한다.
형성된 섬들은 웹페이지에서 자유로히 부유한다.